Medical Reserve Corps

​​​​​​​​​The Medical Reserve Corps Well Check Team can provide a service the supports existing community organizations and city departments with a daily well check for at risk residents. The Medical Reserve Corps Well Check Trained volunteers are HIPAA compliant and have been CORIed and SORIed. 

Key Activities

Daily Well Check Communications 
Tracking the patient status with their care provider or emergency contact
Reporting to patients care provider or emergency contact if there is a reason to follow up with the patient to identify additional services if needed.

Distribution Channels

Direct Phone Calls
Email, Text, Audio File or social media

Patient Relationships

Continuity of service

Continuity of Health Check Specialists

Health Care Providers will have the information that they need to be able to mitigate health or cognitive issues prior to a hospitalization due to a worsening health or cognitive problem or noncompliance to care plan.
By using this service in community health it is safe to say it will increase patient compliance and provided an opportunity for early intervention for new or worsening health issues. 

This program can improve the overall health of patients in the program.